Three times Paul describes the good news he proclaims as “my gospel” (Rom 2:16; 16:25; 2 Tim 2:8). Why does Paul mean by “my gospel”? Does Paul preach a different gospel from Jesus?
Typical understanding of the content of Paul’s gospel includes the death and resurrection of Christ and the offer of salvation by grace through faith. While this is the foundation of what Paul proclaims, we stop short of embracing the full impact of Paul’s gospel in the life of our church, workplace, and spiritual formation if we do not examine the outworking of “my gospel” in the complexities of life and relationship in the Christ-assemblies in Early Christianity. In this course, we will examine how “my gospel” guides and influences Paul’s thoughts on politics/empire, ethnic relations, economy, reconciliation, gender, and family amongst others and analyse how radical his approaches to these issues would have been in the 1st century.