Christian Theology 2: TS212-TSK-24-S2
Get familiar and be humbled by the doctrines of Christ, Holy Spirit, salvation & the church through direct engagement with historical, constructive & theological writings. #TS212-TSK-24-S2
This course continues the study of Christian doctrines begun in Theology 1: God and Creation (TS211). It looks at the outworking of God’s redemptive purposes through the Son and Spirit in the church and world. The doctrinal loci will cover: the persons and missions of Christ and His Spirit (Christology & Pneumatology), Salvation (Soteriology), the Church (Ecclesiology), and the Last Things (Eschatology). Tutorials and off-site readings will focus on engagement with and understanding of primary sources.
As a blended learning course, TS212 is made up of a total of 13 sessions, of which 7 will be ‘live’. During the live sessions, students will meet for topical lectures, communal reading of source materials, culminating in group presentations on selected theological topics. During the other 6 sessions, students will learn from online lectures, podcasts or videos, readings and completing assignments online. A detailed breakdown of the topics, lectures, tutorials and assignments is given below.
[3 Credits, Masters Core] [Prerequisite: TS101]
Registration closing date:
17 Jan 2025
Dr Tan Seng Kong
Course Synopsis
FREE PREVIEWIntroduction to the Thinkific Mobile App
Orientation Course & Library Access
Introductory Session
Zoom Lecture 1: Introduction
Introduction Slides
James Torrance, “Contemplating the Trinitarian Mystery of Christ.”
Christopher Hall, "What is the 'Mystery of God'?" (optional, 5 mins)
Christopher Hall, "What Do You Mean by Mystery?" (optional, 3 mins)
Christopher Hall, "Mystery Between Rationalism and Irrationalism." (optional, 6 mins)
Christopher Hall, "'The Mystery of God' in the Classroom and Beyond" (optional, 3 mins).
The Person of Christ
Lecture 2: The Person of Christ (video)
Lecture 2 Slides
Lecture 2 Notes
Richard Norris, “The Controversies Leading Up to the Council of Chalcedon."
Paul Tillich, “Valuation of the Christological Dogma."
The Life of Christ
Lecture 3: The Life of Christ (video)
Lecture 3 slides
Lecture 3 notes
John Calvin, “Three Things Chiefly to be Regarded in Christ – viz. His Offices of Prophet, King, and Priest.”
Todd Billings, “Excursus: Ursinus on Participation in the One True Prophet, Priest, and King.”
The Work of Christ: His Death
Lecture 4: The Death of Christ (video)
Lecture 4 Slides
Thomas Aquinas, “The Efficiency of Christ’s Passion."
Panayiotis Nellas, “The Presuppositions of the Spiritual Life: Salvation in Christ.”
God the Holy Spirit: His Person
Lecture 5, "Person of the Holy Spirit."
Lecture 5 Slides
Extracts from the Cappadocian Fathers (Basil & the two Gregories)
Yves Congar, “The Holy Spirit and our Prayer."
God the Holy Spirit: His Work
Lecture 6: Work of the Holy Spirit
Lecture 6 Slides
Lecture 6 Notes
John Owen, chs. 3 & 4, in "The Works of John Owen."
Jurgen Moltmann, “Trinitarian Experience of the Spirit."
Jonathan Edwards, 'Treatise on Grace" (Optional)
Salvation: Union with Christ
Lecture 7: Union with Christ
Lecture 7 Slides
Lecture 7 Notes
Augustus Strong, “Union with Christ.”
Todd Billings, "Ministry in Union with Christ."
Salvation: Justification & Adoption
Lecture 8 pt. 1: Slides on Justification
Lecture 8, pt. 2 - Slides on Adoption
Lecture 8 Notes
Thomas Winger, "Simul Justus et Peccator."
Karl Rahner, “Justified and Sinner at the Same Time."
Salvation: Regeneration & Sanctification
Lecture 9 Slides
Lecture 9 Notes
John Wesley, "Christian Perfection."
John Calvin, “Our Regeneration by Faith: Repentance."
The Nature of the Church
George Hunsinger, “Salvation by Grace through Faith” (1 hr 31 mins)
Vladimir Lossky, “Two Aspects of the Church."
John Zizioulas, “Christ, the Spirit, and the Church."
Sacraments of the Church
Lecture 11 Pt 1: The Sacraments
Lecture 11 Pt 2
Lecture 11 Pt 3
Lecture 11 Pt 4
Lecture 11 Pt 5
Lecture 11 Pt 6
Lecture 11 Pt 7
Lecture 11 Pt 8
Lecture 11 Pt 9
Lecture 11 Pt 10
Lecture 11 slides
Huldrych Zwingli, “On the Lord’s Supper.”
The Last Things, pt. 1
David Bentley Hart, “Eschatology” (6 mins)
N.T. Wright, “On the Future of the World” (1 hr 5 mins)
Karl Rahner, “Eschatology.”
Jonathan Edwards, “Heaven is a World of Love.”
The Last Things, pt. 2
Richard Bauckham, “Jurgen Moltmann: Theology of Hope” (11 mins)
Jurgen Moltmann, “On the End Times and Dispensationalism” (4 mins)
Jurgen Moltmann, “Restoration of all Things” (8 mins)
Jurgen Moltmann & Miroslav Volf, “Theology of Joy” (26 mins)
Wolfhart Pannenberg, “Judgment and the Return of Christ."
Edwards, sermon no. 344, “Rev. 14.2: Thanksgiving Sermon” (Nov. 1734)
Course evaluation
Course Evaluation
Course Assignment Policies
General formatting for assignments
40%. EM – Final Essay (3,500 words)
20%. RC – Book Review (1,500 words)
25% IP-Intergrative Reflection Paper