Course curriculum

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    God and Man

    • Chapter I: Holy Scripture

    • Chapter II: God and the Holy Trinity

    • Chapter III: God's Eternal Decrees

    • Chapter IV: Creation

    • Chapter V: Providence

    • Chapter VI: The Fall of Man, Sin, and the Punishment for Sin

    • Chapter VII: God's Covenant with Man

    • Chapter VIII: Christ the Mediator

    • Chapter IX: Free Will

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    • Chapter X: Effectual Calling

    • Chapters XI & XII: Justification and Adoption

    • Chapter XIII: Sanctification

    • Chapter XIV: Saving Faith

    • Chapter XV: Repentance Leading to Faith

    • Chapter XVI: Good Works

    • Chapter XVII: Perseverance of the Saints

    • Chapter XVIII: Assurance of Grace and Salvation

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    Christian Life and the Church

    • Chapter XIX: The Law

    • Chapter XX: Christian Liberty and Conscience

    • Chapter XXI: Religious Worship and the Sabbath

    • Chapter XXV: The Church

    • Chapter XXVI: The Communion of Saints

    • Chapter XXVII: Sacraments

    • Chapter XXVIII: Baptism

    • Chapter XXIX: The Lord's Supper

    • Chapters XXX & XXXI: Church Censure, Synods, and Councils

    • Chapters XXXII & XXXIII: Man After Death, Resurrection, and Last Judgement