About this Course

Although at the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus exhorts us to not worry about what we will eat or wear, we live in a world that is increasing concerned about fashion and clothing.

More than before, how we dress becomes an important part of our identity and self-image. If “theology” is concerned with articulating thoughts about God, the created order, and God’s relationship with the whole of the created order, from the standpoint of faith; then “fashion” is part of the created order, as clothes are made by human beings, and worn by them; and so theology should also have something to say about fashion and dress.

In this course, we will explore the Big Questions relating to Creation and our role, but also narrowed down to one specific scope, “what we wear”. It is hoped that the theologically reflective and analytical skills acquired in course can be expanded beyond, to the question of “how we live”. .


Dr Jasmine Foo

Associate Lecturer

Dr Jasmine Foo was a former BGST student, before eventually completing her PhD in Biblical Studies at King’s College London, researching on the concept of Jewish identity during the Second Temple Period depicted in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In London, she attends All Soul’s Church, Langham, famously known as John Stott’s church. Previously a lawyer, polytechnic lecturer, strategic planner at the State Courts, while being a staffworker at the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES), Jasmine’s varied experiences has helped developed her passion for learning and teaching the Bible and also equipping all Christians in the practice of their faith in society. She double-hats as the Marketplace Research Editor for the BGST column in Salt&Light and is running a social enterprise in sustainability.
  • Location

    Online via Zoom

  • Dates: 2024


    Feb: 27
    Mar: 11, 25
    Apr: 8, 22
    May: 6

    Closing Date for Registration:
    Feb 23, 2024

  • Time


Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Thinkific Mobile App

    • Library Membership

  • 2

    Assignment Submission

    • Course Assignment Policies

    • General formatting for assignments

    • 40%. EM – Final Essay (3,500 words)

    • 20%. RC – Book Review (1,500 words)

    • 25% IP-Intergrative Reflection Paper