Course Description

Spiritual Care and Direction is a ministry of presence and the gift of listening. Presence is a gift graced by the Holy Spirit to both self and the other. In this sacred space, the carer offers a listening ear to the other and in the process is partnering with God and participating in the intra-trinitarian love of God. This module is practical-oriented. The focus of this module is on the self as a carer. In order to come alongside others from the inside out, the carer will be invited to embark on their personal journey of Spirit-led inner world informed by the Christian perspective of Internal Family System. Simple attending skills will be introduced and practiced. A process framework informed by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy will also be introduced. [NB: This course has reached the student limit.]


Ms Seah Chiew Kwan

Associate Lecturer

Ms Seah Chiew Kwan is a graduate from BGST (Grad Dip CS, MCS) and TCA College (MA Counselling). She was a facilitator for Core Clinical Skills with TCA College, School of Counselling for 2 years and a lecturer with Singapore Polytechnic for 20 years. She is an Associate Lecturer with Tung Ling Bible School for the Silence and Solitude module since 2015. Besides facilitating silence & solitude retreats and workshops for churches and small groups, she also offers professional counselling as a private practitioner. Her passion is integrating psychotherapy and Christian spirituality in her work and ministry.
  • Location

    Onsite at BGST

    BGST Address:
    50, Kallang Pudding Road,
    #07-01, AMA Building,
    Singapore 349326

  • Dates : 2024


    Jan: 6, 13, 20, 27
    Feb: 3, 17, 24
    Mar 2, 9, 19

    Closing Date for Registration:
    Jan 3, 2024

  • Time


Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Welcome and Lesson Handouts

    • Shalom :)

    • Beloved Prayer

  • 3

    Session 1

    • Introduction to course

    • Spiritual care and direction

    • Being Present

    • Holy Spirit Guided Reflection

    • Session 1 ppt handout

    • Session 1 prereading - Medicine and the Ministry of Presence

  • 4

    Session 2

    • CS-MS112 AY23 S2 Session 2 ppt handout

    • Session 2 handout - Infographic ACT three pillars

    • Session 2 prereading - ACT made simple Chap 1

    • Session 2 prereading - Life in the Trinity Chap 2

  • 5

    Session 3

    • Session 3 prereading - The Secret Life of Emotions by Steven Hayes

    • Inner Witness & Emotional Agility

    • Real Attending – Rigidity and Flexibility

    • Session 3 ppt handout

  • 6

    Session 4

    • Self-leadership#1

    • Core Skill #2

    • CS-MS112 AY2324 S2 Session 4 ppt handout 4hr

    • Session 4 handout - Infographic IFS with Spirit-led Self (c)ChiewKwan2021

    • Session 4 Appendix B of Restoring Relationship by Molly LaCroix

    • Session 4 prereading - Brief intro to IFS

  • 7

    Session 5

    • Self-leadership#2

    • Session 5 handout - Infographic You-turn by AlisonCook

    • Session 5 handout - The IFS 6 F's Connect with Parts and reach Exiles by Blanca Dasi

    • Session 5 handout - Meeting Protectors by Blanca Dasi

    • CS-MS112 AY2324 S2 Session 5 ppt handout 4hr

    • Session 5 handout - From Text Chap 11 - Exercise to Befriend a Protector

    • Session 5 handout - Exercise to know a protector

    • Session 5 handout - Parts Mapping Exercise

    • Session 5 handout - Appendix A of Restoring Relationship by Molly LaCroix

    • Session 5 handout - From Text Chap 12 - Exercise to Befriend a Exile

  • 8

    Session 6

    • Self-leadership #3

    • Session 6 ppt handout 4hr

  • 9

    Session 7

    • Self-leadership #4

    • CS-MS112 AY2324 S2 Session 7 ppt handout.pdf

    • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression_231010_081446.pdf

  • 10

    Session 8

    • Self-leadership #5

    • Christian Soul Care

    • CS-MS112 AY2324 S2 Session 8 ppt handout.pdf

  • 11

    Session 9

    • Spiritual Direction

    • Referral

    • homework for lesson 9.pdf

    • CS-MS112 AY2324 S2 Session 9 ppt handout.pdf

  • 12

    Session 10

    • End of Course

    • Spiritual Care.pdf

  • 13


    • Evaluation Form

  • 14

    Assignment Submission

    • Reflection essay of your personal journey of Spirit-led self of your inner world

    • Reflective book review

    • Integrative Essay on student’s personal culture of Spiritual Care and Direction