Course Description

OT Foundations I and OT Foundations II together form an introduction to the Old Testament and the world in which it originated. Throughout, the Old Testament is interpreted as part of Christian Scripture, and out of a conviction that Christians cannot afford to neglect this first and larger part of God’s Word.

Questions relating to history and the ancient Near Eastern context will not be ignored, but the main emphasis is on the meaning, theology and application of the text. OT Foundations I covers the Pentateuch and the Historical Books.


Dr Philip Satterthwaite

Emeritus Lecturer

Dr Philip Satterthwaite is BGST’s Lecturer Emeritus. He was BGST’s Emeritus Principal and Lecturer in Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew. Prior to this, he was a Research Fellow in Hebrew and Aramaic at Tyndale House, Cambridge. His main research areas are the Old Testament historical books and the Septuagint. In 2007 his book Exploring the Old Testament 2: The Histories (co-authored with J.G. McConville) was published by SPCK/IVP. Philip has preached and taught in a number of churches in Singapore. He is a member of Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church. He is married to Eileen.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Educational Resources

    • Why study the old testament

  • 2


    • OT101-SPL Old Testament Foundations I

    • OT101-SPL Course Synopsis

    • Copy of Orientation Course & Library Access

  • 3

    Genesis 1-11: Creation and Beginnings

    • Genesis 1-11 Pt I

    • Genesis 1-11 Pt II

    • Genesis 1-11 Pt III

    • Genesis 1-11 Pt IV

    • Genesis 1-11 Lecture notes

    • Gilgamesh ( additional notes )

    • Lecture 1 MCQ

    • Lecture 1 short questions

  • 4

    Genesis 12-50: the Promise and the Family Dimension

    • Genesis 12-50

    • Genesis 12-50 lecture notes

    • Lecture 2 MCQ

    • Lecture 2 short questions

  • 5

    Exodus: Salvation and Law

    • Exodus Pt I

    • Exodus Pt II

    • Exodus Pt III

    • Exodus Pt IV

    • Exodus Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 3 MCQ

    • Lecture 3 short answer questions

  • 6

    Leviticus: Holiness, Uncleanness and Commitment to God

    • Leviticus Pt I

    • Leviticus Pt II

    • Leviticus Pt III

    • Leviticus Pt IV

    • Leviticus Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 4 MCQ

    • Lecture 4 short questions

  • 7

    Numbers: Death of a Generation

    • Numbers Pt I

    • Numbers Pt II

    • Numbers Pt III

    • Numbers Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 5 MCQ

    • Lecture 5 short questions

  • 8

    Deuteronomy: Covenant: Life or Death in the Land?

    • Deuteronomy Pt I

    • Deuteronomy Pt II

    • Deuteronomy Pt III

    • Deuteronomy Pt IV

    • Deuteronomy Pt V

    • Deuteronomy Pt VI

    • Deuteronomy Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 6 MCQ

    • Lecture 6 short questions

  • 9

    Joshua: Wars of Conquest

    • Joshua Pt A

    • Joshua Pt B (I)

    • Joshua Pt B (II)

    • Joshua Pt B (III)

    • Joshua Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 7 questions

    • Lecture 7 short questions

  • 10

    Judges: the Spiral of Apostasy

    • Judges Pt I

    • Judges Pt II

    • Judges Lecture Notes

    • Judges 20 ( supplementary notes )

    • Lecture 8 questions

    • Lecture 8 short questions

  • 11

    1 & 2 Samuel: Monarchy: Curse or Blessing for Israel?

    • 1 & 2 Samuel Pt I

    • 1 & 2 Samuel Pt II

    • 1 & 2 Samuel Pt III

    • 1 & 2 Samuel Pt IV

    • 1 & 2 Samuel Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 9 MCQ

    • Lecture 9 short questions

  • 12

    1 & 2 Kings: Decline and Exile

    • 1 & 2 Kings Pt A (I)

    • 1& 2 Kings Pt A (II) (a)

    • 1 & 2 Kings Pt A (II) b

    • 1 & 2 Kings Pt A (II) c

    • 1 & 2 Kings Pt A (III)

    • 1 & 2 Kings Pt B

    • 1 & 2 Kings Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 10 MCQ

    • Lecture 10 short questions

  • 13

    Ezra and Nehemiah: Return from Exile?

    • Ezra and Nehemiah Pt I

    • Ezra and Nehemiah Pt II

    • Ezra and Nehemiah Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 11 MCQ

    • Lecture 11 short questions

  • 14

    Ruth and Esther: in Praise of Women of God?

    • Ruth and Esther Pt I

    • Ruth and Ester Pt II

    • Ruth and Ester Pt III

    • Ruth and Ester Pt IV

    • Ruth and Ester Lecture Notes

    • Lecture 12 MCQ

  • 15

    1 & 2 Chronicles: Past History and Hope for the Future

    • 1 & 2 Chronicles Pt I

    • 1 & 2 Chronicles Pt II

    • 1 & 2 Chronicles Pt III

    • 1 &2 Chronicles Pt IV

    • OT 101 Lecture 13

    • Lecture 13 questions

    • Lecture 13 short questions

  • 16


    • Moberly Essay

    • Goldingay Essay

    • Guidelines for Academic Papers

    • General Formatting for all Assignments

    • 500-word Response 1 (from EOT I)

    • 500-word Response II (from EOT II)

    • 1000-word Critique

    • 3000-word Essay