Course Description

OT Foundations I and OT Foundations II together form an introduction to the Old Testament. These two courses aim: (i) to introduce the Old Testament books, and the historical and cultural contexts in which they originated; (ii) to help students reflect on how to apply the Old Testament in the modern world, and to their own lives.

Throughout, the Old Testament is interpreted as part of Christian Scripture, and out of a conviction that Christians cannot afford to neglect this first and larger part of God’s Word. Though questions relating to history and the ancient Near Eastern context will not be ignored, the main emphasis is on the meaning, theology and application of the text. OT Foundations II covers most of the Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea and Amos), the Psalms, and the Wisdom Literature.


Dr Philip Satterthwaite

Emeritus Lecturer

Dr Philip Satterthwaite is BGST’s Lecturer Emeritus. He was BGST’s Emeritus Principal and Lecturer in Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew. Prior to this, he was a Research Fellow in Hebrew and Aramaic at Tyndale House, Cambridge. His main research areas are the Old Testament historical books and the Septuagint. In 2007 his book Exploring the Old Testament 2: The Histories (co-authored with J.G. McConville) was published by SPCK/IVP. Philip has preached and taught in a number of churches in Singapore. He is a member of Prinsep Street Presbyterian Church. He is married to Eileen.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • OT102-SPL Old Testament Foundations 2

    • Educational Resources

    • Digital Theological Library

    • BGST Overdrive

    • BGST Library - VLIB

    • OT102-SPL Course Synopsis

  • 2

    Session 1

    • Lecture 01 notes

    • Lecture 1 part I

    • Lecture 1 part II

    • OT 102 (2022) Lecture 01

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    Session 2

    • Lecture 02 notes

    • Lecture 2 part I

    • Lecture 2 part II

    • OT 102 (2021) Lecture 02

    • Lecture 03 notes

    • Lecture 3 part I

    • Lecture 3 part II

    • Lecture 2 and 3 questions

    • MCQ test 1

    • MCQ test 2

    • OT 102 (2021) Lecture 03

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    Session 3

    • Lecture 04 notes

    • Lecture 4 part I

    • Lecture 4 part II

    • Lecture 05 notes

    • Lecture 4 and 5 questions

    • Lecture 5 part I

    • Lecture 5 part II

    • MCQ test 3

    • MCQ test 4

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    Session 4

    • Lecture 6 notes

    • Lecture 6 part 1

    • Lecture 6 part 2

    • Lecture 6 part 3

    • Lecture 7 notes

    • Lecture 7 part I

    • Lecture 7 part II

    • Lecture 6 and 7 questions

    • MCQ test 5

    • MCQ test 6

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    Session 5

    • Lecture 8 notes

    • Lecture 9 notes

    • Lecture 8 and 9 questions

    • Lecture 8 part 1

    • Lecture 8 part 2

    • MCQ test 7

    • MCQ test 8

    • Lecture 9 part I

    • Lecture 9 part II

    • Lecture 9 part III

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    Session 6

    • Lecture 10 notes

    • Lecture 11 notes

    • Lecture 10 and 11 questions

    • Lecture 10 part I

    • Lecture 10 part II

    • Lecture 11 part I

    • Lecture 11 part II

    • MCQ test 9

    • MCQ test 10

    • Session 6 student questions

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    Session 7

    • Lecture 12 notes

    • Lecture 13a notes

    • Lecture 13b notes

    • Questions on lectures 12,13a and 13b

    • Progressive Detail in Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah

    • Lecture 12

    • MCQ test 11

    • MCQ test 12

    • Session 7 student questions

    • the " Jeremiah 18 Principle "

    • Lecture 12 part I

    • Lecture 12 part II

    • Lecture 12 part III

    • Lecture 12 part IV

    • Lecture 12 part V

    • Lecture 12 part VI

    • Lecture 12 part VII

    • OT 102 (2021) Lecture 12

    • Lecture 13A part I

    • Lecture 13A part II

    • Lecture 13A part III

    • Lecture 13A part IV

    • OT 102 (2021) Lecture 13a

    • Lecture 13B part I

    • Lecture 13B part II

    • OT 102 (2021) Lecture 13b

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    Session 8

    • Course evaluation

    • Lecture 14 notes

    • Lecture 15 notes

    • Lecture 14 and 15 questions

    • MCQ test 13

    • MCQ test 14

    • Session 8 notes

    • Lecture 14 part I

    • Lecture 14 part II

    • Lecture 14 part III

    • Lecture 14 part IV

    • Lecture 14 part V

    • OT 102 (2021) Lecture 14

    • Lecture 15 part I

    • Lecture 15 part II

    • Lecture 15 part III

    • Lecture 15 part IV

    • OT 102 (2021) Lecture 15

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    Assignment submission

    • Reading I

    • Reading II

    • Assignment formatting

    • EOT 3 500 word responses

    • EOT 4 500-word response

    • 1,000-word Critique

    • 3,000-word Essay