Course Description

The New Testament contains some of the most influential documents ever written.

BGST’s New Testament Foundations 1 (NT101) & 2 (NT102) courses will survey the entire content of the NT.

Students will be drawn into the world of the New Testament and encouraged to interact with the themes and message contained within each piece of writing in the NT. In so doing, students can better examine the implications of the NT’s message for Christians and for the Church today.

NT101 is a general introduction to the 4 Gospels and Acts. Students can expect a survey of major interpretive approaches, as well as a consideration of historical and cultural issues. These include the Synoptic Problem and the literary relationship of the Gospels; the problem of the historical Jesus; the genre, historical setting, message and structure of each of the Gospels and Acts.

NT101 will be based on David Wenham and Steve Walton's Exploring the New Testament Volume One: The Gospels and Acts (2d ed; Downers Grove: IVP and London: SPCK, 2011), (“ENT 1”).

Both NT101 & NT102 will be taught using a 2-volume introduction to the New Testament entitled Exploring the New Testament, jointly published by IVP and SPCK.

  • Location

    Online via Zoom (Live)
    with Blended Learning

    First and Last Sessions are in-person for local students at:

    Zion Bishan BP church
    4 Bishan street 13
    Singapore 579792

  • Dates

    Jul: 18
    Aug: 1, 15, 29
    Sep: 12, 26
    Oct: 10
    Closing Date for Registration:
    July 15, 2024

  • Time



Mr Quek Tze-Ming

Lecturer in New Testament

Mr Quek Tze Ming is the Lecturer in New Testament at BGST. After leaving legal practice, Tze Ming served in student ministry with the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Singapore). He then commenced theological studies, receiving a DipCS from BGST, an MDiv and a ThM from Regent College. He is presently a PhD candidate in New Testament Studies at the University of Cambridge. His special area of studies is in the use of the Old Testament in the New. Tze Ming serves in the teaching ministry of his church. He is married to Sharon, and they have two daughters. He maintains a lively interest in local food, football, and movies.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Session 1 - Welcome and Introduction - Live

    • Introduction; What is New Testament Studies?

  • 3

    Session 2 - NT Background (1) - Self-study

    • NT Background (1)

    • Lecture 2: The Graeco-Roman World

  • 4

    Session 3 - NT Background (2) - Live

    • NT Background (2)

    • Lecture 3: The Jewish World (History, Society, Politics)

  • 5

    Session 4 - NT Background (3) - Self-study

    • NT Background (3)

    • Lecture 4: The Jewish World (Story, Identity, Religion)

  • 6

    Session 5 - NT Background (4) - Live

    • NT Background (4)

    • Book Review Guidelines

  • 7

    Session 6 - The Gospels (1) - Self-study

    • The Gospels (1)

    • Lecture 5: What are the Gospels? Where did the Gospels come from?

  • 8

    Session 7 - The Gospels (2) - Live

    • The Gospels (2)

    • Tutorial resources: Using a Synopsis

  • 9

    Session 8: Jesus (1) - Self-study

    • Jesus (1)

    • Lecture 6: The quest for the historical Jesus; & The life of Jesus in the light of history

  • 10

    Session 9: Jesus (2) -Live

    • The Life of Jesus in the Light of History; The Teaching & Aims of Jesus

    • Lecture 7: The teaching and aims of Jesus

    • Debate Presentation Instructions

    • Debate Presentation Reading Materials

  • 11


    • Course Evaluation Form

  • 12

    Assignments Submission

    • Assignment Deadline

    • Guidelines and Formatting

    • Book Review Guidelines and Submission

    • Final Course Paper Topics

    • Final Course Paper Sample

    • 5 Reading Reports

    • Essay