Course curriculum

  • 1

    Laying the Groundwork—Marriage and Sexuality in the Old Testament

  • 2

    A New Framework—Sexual Ethics and Purity in Paul

    • 2-1 Paul's background and pre-Christian framework

    • 2-2 Paul's new Christian framework

    • 2-3 The basis of Paul's ethic

    • 2-4 Paul on sexual immorality in the church

    • 2-5 Paul's rationale for sexual purity

    • 2-6 Applying Paul's teachings on sexual immorality

    • 2-7 Believers out of step with their baptism

  • 3

    The Christian Identity—Sexuality, Marriage, and Celibacy in Paul

    • 3-1 Mirror reading and Corinthian theology

    • 3-2 Corinthian 'slogans' and Paul's responses

    • 3-3 Summing up Paul's approach

    • 3-4 Counsel for married and single believers

    • 3-5 The right expression of marriage

    • 3-6 The opportunity afforded by celibacy

    • 3-7 Consequences of Paul's discussion

  • 4

    The Age to Come—Marriage and Celibacy in the Gospels

    • 4-1 Jesus' theology of marriage

    • 4-2 Jesus' teaching on celibacy

    • 4-3 Jesus' teaching on the eschatological transformation of marriage

    • 4-4 An eschatological framework for marriage and singleness

  • 5

    Subverting Relational Norms—Gender Equality and Divorce

    • 5-1 Grounding sexual ethics in the Gospel

    • 5-2 'Equality' of the sexes

    • 5-3 Authority and benevolence in hierarchical relationships

    • 5-4 From dominance to mutual subordination

    • 5-5 Working out the principle of reciprocity

    • 5-6 Complementarianism and egalitarianism

    • 5-7 Divorce and remarriage

    • 5-8 Pastoral approaches to supporting marriages

  • 6

    Loving Broken People—Same-Sex Attraction

    • 6-1 Wesley's testimony on same-sex attraction

    • 6-2 Arguments in favour of same-sex unions

    • 6-3 A biblical and realistic understanding of sexual identity

    • 6-4 Behaviour versus attraction

    • 6-5 Prayer and healing for those with same-sex attraction

    • 6-6 Perspectives on singleness

    • 6-7 The need for friendship and community

    • 6-8 A robust understanding of same-sex attraction