Course Description

As an introductory course on Christian theology, the content of our faith will be understood in the context of “the one, holy, catholic (i.e. universal), and apostolic church” as confessed in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed (A.D. 381).

The lectures will follow the overall Trinitarian structure of the Creed, and where applicable, read in light of the Protestant-Reformation heritage. Weekly sessions will involve reading, reflection & response (as well as discussion during live sessions) to topical readings, both primary and secondary.


Dr Tan Kok Choon

Associate Lecturer

Dr Tan Kok Choon is an Associate Lecturer with BGST on subjects relating to the History of Christianity. He is a graduate from Regent College (MCS, History) and has completed his PhD research on the conversion narrative and teachings of John Sung at Liverpool Hope University. Topics of his research interest include contextualization issues, conversion studies and Chinese Christianity. He is an experienced history teacher at a local independent school.

Course curriculum

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    1. Introduction

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 1, Part 1

    • Lecture 1, Part 2

    • Lecture 1, Part 3

    • Lecture 1, Part 4

    • Lecture 1 Slides

    • Reading 1a: Luther, "Experience makes a Theologian"

    • Reading 1b: Kolden, "Luther on Vocation"

    • Statement of Faith 1: Apostles' Creed (background & full text)

    • Lecture MCQ 1

    • Reflection

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    2. The Living God: Divine Unity and Attributes

    • Introduction

    • Session 2 Part 1

    • Lecture 2 pt 2

    • Lecture 2 pt 3

    • Lecture 2 Slides

    • Reading 2a: Weinandy, "Does God Suffer?"

    • Reading 2b: Billings, "Undying Love"

    • Statement of Faith 2: Westminster Confession of Faith (background & full text)

    • Lecture MCQ Questions 2

    • Reflection

    • Optional: The Story Behind 'Rejoicing in Lament' - Todd Billings

    • Optional: 'My Incurable Condition: How to Pray for Someone with a Terminal Diagnosis' -T Billings

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    3. The Living God: God the Trinity

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 3, Part 1

    • Lecture 3, Part 2

    • God the Trinity Lecture Slides

    • Reading 3a: Wesley, "Sermon 55 (On the Trinity)"

    • Reading 3b: Harrower, "A Trinitarian Doctrine of Christian Vocation"

    • Statement of Faith 3: The Athanasian Creed (background & full document)

    • Lecture MCQ Questions 3

    • Reflection

    • SK Tan, "Trinity in the Early Christianity" (Ethos Annual Conference 2021) [optional]

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    4. God the Father: Divine Creation, Preservation, & Providence

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 4, Part 1

    • Lecture 4, Part 2

    • Lecture 4 Slides

    • Reading 4: Kolden, "Work and Meaning"

    • Statement of Faith 4: Catechism of the Catholic Church

    • Lecture MCQ Questions 4

    • Reflection

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    5. God the Son: Humanity & Sin

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 5, Part 1

    • Lecture 5, Part 2

    • Lecture 5 Slides

    • Reading 5: The Imago Dei as Vocation

    • Statement of Faith 5a: The Council of Orange

    • Statement of Faith 5b: The Augsburg Confession

    • Lecture MCQ Questions 5

    • Reflection

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    6. God the Son: The Identity of Christ

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 6, Part 1

    • Lecture 6, Part 2

    • Lecture 6, Part 3

    • Lecture 6, Part 4

    • Lecture 6, Part 5

    • Lecture 6 Slides

    • Reading 6a: Edwards, "The Excellency of Christ"

    • Reading 6b: Ward. "Performing Christ"

    • Statement of Faith 6: The Council of Chalcedon

    • Lecture MCQ Questions 6

    • Reflection

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    7. God the Son: The Mission of Christ

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 7, Part 1

    • Lecture 7, Part 2

    • Lecture 7 Slides

    • Reading 7a: Edwards, "Christ's Sacrifice"

    • Reading 7b: Athanasius, "On the Incarnation of the Word"

    • Reading 7c: Wright, "Following Jesus in a Globalized Marketplace"

    • Statement of Faith 7: The Nicene Creed

    • Lecture MCQ Questions 7

    • Reflection

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    8. God the Son: His Ongoing Ministry

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 8.1: Prayer as Communion - Participating by Grace in the Triune Life of God

    • Lecture 8.2: Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ, pt 1

    • Lecture 8.3: Prayer and the Priesthood of Christ, pt 2

    • Reading 8a: Torrance, "The Sole Priesthood of Christ"

    • Reading 8b: Stevens, "Going Deep"

    • Statement of Faith 8: The Augsburg Confession (Justification)

    • Reflection

    • James Torrance, "Prayer and the Triune God of Grace" (optional, external links)

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    9. God the Holy Spirit: The Identity of the Holy Spirit

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 9, Part 1

    • Lecture 9, Part 2

    • Lecture Slides

    • Reading 9a: Basil, "On the Holy Spirit"

    • Reading 9b: Miller, "Analyzing and Understanding the Faith at Work Movement"

    • Statement of Faith 9: The Nicene Creed (381 AD)

    • Lecture MCQ Questions

    • Reflection

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    10. God the Holy Spirit: The Mission of the Holy Spirit

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 10, Part 1

    • Lecture 10, Part 2

    • Lecture 10, Part 3

    • Lecture Slides

    • Lecture Notes

    • Reading 10a: Wesley, "The Repentance of Believers" (1767)

    • Reading 10b: Stortz, "Purpose-Driven or Spirit-Led: A Spirituality of Work or the Work of the Spirit?"

    • Lecture MCQ Questions

    • Reflection

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    11. The Church: The Sacraments

    • Introduction

    • Lecture 11.1, Part 1

    • Lecture 11.1, Part 2

    • Lecture 11.1 Part 3

    • Lecture 11.2, Part 1

    • Lecture 11.2, Part 2

    • Lecture 11.2, Part 3

    • Lecture 11.3, Part 1

    • Lecture 11.3, Part 2

    • Lecture 11.3, Part 3

    • Lecture 11.1 Slides

    • Lecture 11.2 Slides

    • Lecture 11.3 Slides

    • Statement of Faith 11a: The Second Helvetic Confession (background & full text)

    • Statement of Faith 11b: Eucharistic Doctrine (ARCIC)

    • Reading 11c: Watkins, "Mass, Mission & Eucharistic Living"

    • Optional Video Links

    • Lecture MCQ Questions

    • Reflection

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    12. The Church: The Nature of the Church

    • Introduction

    • Video: On Ecclesiology (Greg Peters)

    • Statement of Faith 12a: Unity Statement Revised

    • Reading 12b: Johnson, "Toward a Marketplace Missiology"

    • Reflection

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    13. The Last Things

    • Introduction

    • Video: Cosmic and Individual Eschatology (Mark Saucy)

    • Video: The Kingdom of God (Mark Saucy)

    • Statement of Faith 13a: The Westminster Confession of Faith, Art. 32 & 33

    • Statement of Faith 13b: Eschatology—The Doctrine of Last Things (PCUSA)

    • Reading 13c: Christensen, "Marketplace and Missional Church"

    • Reflection

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    • Book Chapter Review

    • Integration -Reflection Paper