Course Description

The primacy of the Bible for faith and practice is at the heart of Christianity. Thus, in order to work out lives of gospel faithfulness and relevance, Christians must engage in the wise interpretation and application of Scripture. This is the main theme of this course.

The course is premised on the conviction that the Bible commends itself to be read through the engagement of the whole person–heart, mind, soul, and strength –in the context of community. In this vein, the course will help the student reflect seriously on these two dimensions of interpreting the biblical text.

This course is designed with an emphasis on adult learning, often involving discussions on the interpretation of biblical texts which the students have studied before the class (“flipped learning”), providing students time to raise questions and sharpen their interpretive skills. (Due to this, audit students should be aware that they should attempt the shorter exegetical exercises if they desire fuller learning benefits even though these exercises are not technically required for audit students).

  • Location

    Online via Zoom
    (with Blended Learning)

    First and Last Sessions are in-person for local students at:

    50 Kallang Pudding Road
    #07-01 AMA Building
    Singapore 349326

  • Dates

    July: 16, 30
    Aug: 13, 27
    Sep: 10, 24
    Oct: 8

    Closing Date for Registration:
    July 13, 2024

  • Time



Ms Sun Jiani


Jiani is currently finishing her DPhil in Theology/Hebrew Bible at the University of Oxford. Her dissertation is on the Wisdom of Solomon in which she argues that scriptural interpretation enables the reading community to re-experience God’s saving acts in history. Originally from Shanghai, China, she has spent six years in the US before she comes to Oxford. She received her BA in Biblical Studies and Philosophy from Wheaton (IL) in 2018 and then completed an MAR at Yale Divinity School in 2020. She enjoys reading, cooking, and hosting people with her husband.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Course Syllabus

    • Orientation Course & Library Access

    • Sample Exegesis Papers

  • 2

    Session 1 (Live): Introduction to the Course; the Interpretative Journey

    • Topic 1: Hermeneutics and Interpretation

    • Handout HE Session 1: Introduction to Hermeneutics

    • Recommended Reading: Wimsatt and Beardsley The Intentional Fallacy

  • 3

    Session 2 (Self-Study): Topics 2 & 3 The Need for Interpretation & How to Read the Book

    • Topic 2 The Need for Interpretation (Reading)

    • Notes for Lecture 1: The Need for Interpretation

    • Video Lecture 1: The Need for Interpretation part 1

    • Video Lecture 1: The Need for Interpretation part 2

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 1: The Need for Interpretation

    • Topic 3: How to Read the Book (Reading)

    • Notes for Lecture 2

    • Video Lecture 2: How to Read the Book part 1

    • Video Lecture 2: How to Read the Book part 2

    • Video Lecture 2: How to Read the Book part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 2: How to Read the Book Part 1

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 2: How to Read the Book Part 2

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 2: How to Read the Book Part 3

  • 4

    Session 3 (Live): Review Topics 2 & 3

    • Checklist Before Coming to the Tutorial

    • Michal Beth Dinkler, The Bible and Women

    • John Collins, Marriage and Family

    • Handout HE Session 3

  • 5

    Session 4 (Self-Study): Topics 4 & 5 Contexts Now and Then & Bible Translations

    • Topic 4: Contexts Now and Then (Reading)

    • Notes for Lecture 3

    • Video Lecture 3 : The Historical-Cultural Context part 1

    • Video Lecture 3 : The Historical-Cultural Context part 2

    • Video Lecture 3 : What do we bring to the text? part 3

    • Video Lecture 3 : The Literary Context part 4

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 3

    • Topic 5: Bible Translations (Reading)

    • Notes for Lecture 4

    • Video Lecture 4 : Word Studies part 1

    • Video Lecture 4 : Bible Translations part 2

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 4

  • 6

    Session 5 (Live): Review Topics 4 & 5

    • Checklist Before Coming to the Tutorial

    • Hwang, "Bible Translation as Contextual Theology"

    • Foley, Bible Translation in Chinese and Greek pp5-33

  • 7

    Session 6 (Self-Study): Topic 6 Meaning and Application

    • Topic 6 Meaning and Application (Reading Part 1)

    • Notes for Lecture 5

    • Video Lecture 5: Who Controls the Meaning? part 1

    • Video Lecture 5 : Levels of Meaning part 2

    • Video Lecture 5 : Levels of Meaning part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 5

    • Topic 6 Meaning and Application (Reading Part 2)

    • Notes for Lecture 06

    • Video Lecture 6 : The Role of the Holy Spirit part 1

    • Video Lecture 6 : Application part 2

    • Video Lecture 6 : Application part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 6

  • 8

    Session 7 (Live): Review Topic 6

    • Checklist Before Coming to Tutorial

    • Class Presentation

  • 9

    Session 8 (Self Study): Topic 7 The Interpretive Journey NT

    • Topic 7 The Interpretive Journey NT (Reading Part 1)

    • Notes for Lecture 07

    • Lecture 7: New Testament Letters part 1

    • Lecture 7: New Testament Letters part 2

    • Lecture 7: New Testament Letters part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 7

    • Topic 7 The Interpretive Journey NT (Reading Part 2)

    • Notes for Lecture 08

    • Video Lecture 8 part 1: Gospels

    • Video Lecture 8 part 2: Gospels (cont'd)

    • Video Lecture 8 part 3: Acts

    • Notes for Lecture 09

    • Video Lecture 9: Revelation part 1

    • Video Lecture 9: Revelation part 2

    • Video Lecture 9: Revelation part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 8

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 9 part 1

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 9 part 2

  • 10

    Session 9 (Live): Review Topic 7

    • Checklist Before Coming to the Tutorial

    • Class Presentation

    • Vanhoozer, The Inerrancy of Scripture

    • Wright, How can the Bible be Authoritative?

    • Bird, The Authority of the Bible

  • 11

    Session 10 (Self-Study): Topic 8 The Interpretive Journey OT (Part 1)

    • Topic 8 The Interpretive Journey OT (Reading Part 1)

    • Notes for Lecture 10

    • Notes for Lecture 11

    • Video Lecture 10: Old Testament Narrative part 1

    • Video Lecture 10: Old Testament Narrative part 2

    • Video Lecture 10: Old Testament Narrative part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 10

    • Video Lecture 11: Old Testament Law Part 1

    • Video Lecture 11: Old Testament Law Part 2

    • Video Lecture 11: Old Testament Law Part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 11

    • Topic 8 The Interpretive Journey OT (Reading Part 2)

    • Notes for Lecture 12

    • Video Lecture 12: Old Testament Poetry Part 1

    • Video Lecture 12: Old Testament Poetry Part 2

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 12

  • 12

    Session 11 (Live): Review Topic 8

    • Checklist Before Coming to Tutorial

    • Class Presentation

  • 13

    Session 12 (Self-Study): Topic 8 The Interpretive Journey OT (Part 2)

    • Topic 8 The Interpretive Journey OT (Reading Part 3)

    • Notes for Lecture 13

    • Video Lecture 13: Old Testament Prophets Part 1

    • Video Lecture 13: Old Testament Prophets Part 2

    • Video Lecture 13: Old Testament Prophets Part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 13

    • Topic 8 The Interpretive Journey OT (Reading Part 4)

    • Notes for Lecture 14

    • Video Lecture 14: Old Testament Wisdom Part 1

    • Video Lecture 14: Old Testament Wisdom Part 2

    • Video Lecture 14: Old Testament Wisdom Part 3

    • Audio MP3 for Lecture 14

  • 14

    Course Evaluation

    • Course Evaluation

  • 15

    Final Assignment Submission

    • Reflection Paper on Biblical Authority

    • Submit: Exegesis Paper