Course Description

Rather than solving or answering vocation-specific problems, this course aims to initiate students into serious processes of thought as guided by the following three objectives:

a. Contextual: to develop sensitivity for key issues that concern life in contemporary Singapore by identifying and analysing case studies taken from the local context.
b. Integrative: to integrate theological studies and vocational life by offering basic frameworks of thought for analysing pertinent issues and phenomena in our local culture and society that impinge upon life in general.
c. Theological: to facilitate socio-cultural analysis that is guided by biblical and theological reflection.


Mr Quek Tze-Ming

Lecturer in New Testament

Mr Quek Tze Ming is the Lecturer in New Testament at BGST. After leaving legal practice, Tze Ming served in student ministry with the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Singapore). He then commenced theological studies, receiving a DipCS from BGST, an MDiv and a ThM from Regent College. He is presently a PhD candidate in New Testament Studies at the University of Cambridge. His special area of studies is in the use of the Old Testament in the New. Tze Ming serves in the teaching ministry of his church. He is married to Sharon, and they have two daughters. He maintains a lively interest in local food, football, and movies.
  • Location:

    Live on BGST Zoom

    The first and the last Sessions are in-person for local students at

    50 Kallang Pudding Road
    #07-01 AMA Building
    Singapore 349326

  • Dates:


    Jan: 11, 25
    Feb: 8, 22
    Mar: 7, 21
    Apr: 4, 18

    Closing Date for Registration:
    Jan 8, 2024

  • Timing:


Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Course Syllabus

    • Orientation Course & Library Access

    • Instructions on IS101 Presentations

    • Password for all video lectures:

  • 2

    Session 1 Live (Zoom)

    • Introduction

    • Kevin J. Vanhoozer, “What is Everyday Theology?” in Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Charles A. Anderson and Michael J. Sleasman (eds.), Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2007).

    • Introduction to Christianity, Culture, and Society (Zoom Recording of Lecture)

    • Introduction to Christianity, Culture, and Society (Slides)

  • 3

    Session 2 (Self-Study)

    • Climate Change

    • Climate Change Video Lecture by Dr Benjamin Grandey

  • 4

    Session 3 (Jan 25) Live (Zoom)

    • Climate Change

    • Climate Change Discussion (Zoom Recording)

    • Climate Change Discussion (Slides)

    • Greta Thunberg (Young Climate Activist) at the Climate Action Summit 2019

    • Other Resources on Climate Change/Creation Care

  • 5

    Session 4 (Self-Study)

    • Traditional Chinese Medicine

    • TCM Video Lecture by Dr Lai Pak Wah

    • TCM Video Lecture by Dr Lai Pak Wah (updated lecture)

  • 6

    Session 5 (Feb 8) Live (Zoom)

    • Traditional Chinese Medicine

    • TCM Discussion (Zoom Recording)

    • TCM Discussion (Slides)

  • 7

    Session 6 (Self-Study)

    • Digital Media

    • Digital Media Video Lecture Part I by Ps Edric Sng

    • Digital Media Video Lecture Part II by Ps Edric Sng

  • 8

    Session 7 (Feb 22) Live (Zoom)

    • Digital Theology Video Lecture by Dr Pete Philips (Supplemental)

    • Digital Media Discussion (Zoom Recording)

    • Digital Media Discussion (Slides)

  • 9

    Session 8 (Self-Study)

    • Discussion Week (No Topic)

  • 10

    Session 9 (Mar 7) Live (Zoom)

    • Socio-Economic Policy Development in Singapore (Zoom Recording)

    • Socio-Economic Policy Development in Singapore (Slides)

  • 11

    Session 10 (Self Study)

    • Guest Workers

    • Stephanie Chok, Labour Justice and Low-Paid Migrant Workers in Singapore, Ethos Institute Engagement Series (Singapore: Sower Publishing Centre, 2017).

    • Ronald J.J. Wong and Terence Chong, “Common Problems Migrant Workers in Singapore Face.” (Unpublished, 2022)

  • 12

    Session 11 (Mar 21) Live (In Person)

    • Site Visit

  • 13

    Session 12 (Self Study)

    • Prep for Class Presentations 1

  • 14

    Session 13 (Apr 4) Live (In Person)

    • Class Presentations 1

  • 15

    Session 14 (Self Study)

    • Prep for Class Presentations 2

  • 16

    Session 15 (Apr 18) Live (In Person)

    • Class Presentations 2

    • Presentation 1: Examining Productivity Culture - High Performance Habits

    • Presentation 2: The Gender Non-Binary Phenomenon

    • Presentation 3: Should Churches use Gen AI for Preaching, Evangelism, and Counselling?

  • 17

    Assignment Submission

    • Assignment Submission

    • Conversations

    • Essay

    • General formatting for all assignments