Course Description

This course introduces important theological themes and provides a historical overview of the Christian spiritual tradition. As the title suggests, it is the Trinitarian and incarnational touchstones that give Christian spirituality its authentically Christian character. From this biblical and creedal basis, we will read, understand, and engage with the spiritual practices found in the various Christian traditions. Emphasis is given to Ignatian spirituality, as this serves as a preparatory framework to the spiritual practicum component in CS102.

The trajectory of the course is for participants to draw appropriate spiritual disciples from the deep well of the Christian history that resonate with their own temperament, vocation, and season in life. It is hoped that this course will provide the resources for a deepening of self-knowledge and spirituality for everyday life.

The course aims to be both academic and practical. Besides live and recorded lectures, students engage with readings, group discussion, as well as individual reflections throughout the course.

There will be in-depth discussions dealing with how we can grow deeper in our spiritual life in a busy world, e.g., finding the rhythm between work and rest, cultivating the spiritual disciplines to keep one's spiritual life vibrant.

  • Location

    Sessions are in-person for local students at :

    50 Kallang Pudding Road
    #07-01 AMA Building
    Singapore 349326

  • Dates: 2024

    Aug: 3, 17, 31
    Sep: 28
    Oct: 5

    Closing Date for Registration:
    Jul 30, 2024

  • Time



Dr Tong Mee On

Associate Lecturer

Dr Tong Mee On worked 10 years as a public relations officer in the public sector and communications specialist in the private sector respectively before she served 18 years in full-time ministry in her home church, The Bible Church, Singapore. During this time, she graduated from TTC (MTS) and Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre (HK) and was conferred DMin (Spiritual Direction) by Graduate Theological Foundation, USA. Her passion is to help people be aware of and live in the presence of God. She does this through offering spiritual direction, companionship and retreats.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Orientation Course & Library Access

    • Course Syllabus

  • 2

    Theological Foundations for Christian Spirituality

    • Christian Spirituality: A Theological Survey

    • Lecture 1 Introduction: Theological Foundations

    • Lecture 1 Introduction Slides

    • Lecture 1 Pt I (Older recording; PW: tsgb3)

    • Lecture 1 Pt II (Older recording; PW: tsgb3)

    • Lecture 1 Pt III (Older recording; PW: tsgb3)

    • Lecture 1A: A Threefold Creedal Spirituality (Optional)

    • Solomon Growing the Soul in Postmodern Soil

    • LaCugna The Practical Trinity

  • 3

    The Necessary, the Trivial and the Menial

    • Lecture 2 - Stevens, "The Necessary, the Trivial and the Menial."

  • 4

    A Historical Overview of Christian Spirituality

    • History of Spirituality

    • Lecture 3 Pt I

    • Lecture 3 Pt II

    • Lecture 3 Pt III

    • Lecture 3 Pt IV

    • Lecture 3 Slides: A History of Christian Spirituality

    • Kavanaugh & Pennington History of Christian Spirituality

    • Raitt European Reformations of Christian Spirituality and Bass & Stewart-Sicking Christian Spirituality in Europe and North America since 1700

  • 5


    • Lecture 4 Pt I

    • Lecture 4 Pt II

    • Lecture 4 Pt III

  • 6

    Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality: Philosophy and Practice

    • Ignatian Spirituality

    • L5 CS101 Ignatian Spirituality Slides

    • Lecture 5 Pt I

    • Lecture 5 Pt II

    • Lecture 5 Pt III

    • Lecture 5 Pt IV

    • Lecture 5 Pt V

    • Lecture 5 Pt VI

    • Lecture 5 Pt VII

    • Verploegen Ignatian Spirituality Spirituality in a World of Action

    • Broderick & Lapomarda Jesuits

    • Dalmases St Ignatius of Loyola

    • Huggett Why Ignatian Spirituality Hooks Protestants (optional)

    • Lecourt & Pauchant Ignatian Spirituality & Management A Study Of "Ignatian Executives"

    • Ng Ignatius Spiritual Exercises and Chinese Womens Spiritual Formation in the Hong Kong Protestant Evangelical Context (optional)

    • Lecture Slides - Ignatian Spirituality

    • L5 General Examen

    • L5 - Ig Sp 030224 Edit

  • 7

    Friendship and Spiritual Friendship

    • Lecture 6 Pt I

    • Lecture 6 Pt II

    • Lecture 6 Pt III

    • Lecture 6 Pt IV

    • Lecture 6 Pt V

  • 8

    Word and Prayer

    • Spirituality of the Word

    • Lecture 7: Jesus Prayer (2022)

    • Lecture 7 Slides: Jesus Prayer (2022)

    • Lecture 7: Jesus Prayer Slides (2023) - latest with exercises

    • Lecture 7 Pt I (older recording, PW:tsgb3)

    • Lecture 7 Pt II (older recording, PW:tsgb3)

    • Lecture 7 Pt III (older recording, PW:tsgb3)

    • Lecture 7 Pt IV (older recording, PW:tsgb3)

    • Lecture 7 Pt V (older recording, PW:tsgb3)

    • L7 Jesus Prayer Slides (older)

    • Torrance Contemplating the Trinitarian Mystery of Christ

    • Bianchi Lectio Divina - Foundations n Practice

    • Jesus Prayer Guidelines for Beginners

    • Notes - The Practice of Divine Reading

  • 9

    Marriage and the Single Life

    • Lecture 8 Pt I

    • Lecture 8 Pt II

    • Lecture 8 Pt III

    • Friendship and the single life

  • 10

    The Spirit

    • The Spirit

    • Lecture 9 (Self-Paced): "Dealing with our Devices."

    • Christian Formation in and for Sabbath Rest

    • Sheldrake Befriending Our Desires

  • 11

    Time, Busyness and Play

    • Lecture 10 Pt I

    • Lecture 10 Pt II

    • Lecture 10 Pt III

  • 12

    Course Evaluation

    • Course Evaluation Form

  • 13

    Assignment Submission

    • General formatting for all assignments

    • Reflection Paper

    • Case Study Paper