About this Course

“I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.”

This course builds on the doctrines of the Holy Spirit– covered in TS101 – as well the spiritual and vocational insights from CS101 and MM100. It looks at the many ways that the Church, drawing from Scripture, has reflected on and experienced the person and work of the Holy Spirit through the centuries. Using the 3rd article of the Nicene Creed as a springboard, topics include how the Holy Spirit makes the people of God holy, gives life to our creative and cultural endeavors, inspires spiritual grace and gifts, and includes us into the kinship and friendship of the Father and Son. Tutorials and self-paced readings will focus on primary sources while practical exercises will help us map our prayer temperaments and spiritual giftings.


Dr Tan Seng Kong

Lecturer in Systematic and Spiritual Theology

Dr Tan Seng Kong is BGST's Head for Technology and Resources, and a Lecturer in Systematic and Spiritual Theology. A graduate from Regent College, Vancouver (MA, Spiritual Theology). Seng Kong completed his PhD in Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he focused his research on Jonathan Edwards' Doctrine of Salvation. Seng Kong was formerly an architect. He currently serves at Bethel Assembly of God. When he isn’t preoccupied with theological materials, he dabbles with indoor gardening, watches Korean media with his wife and eats Indian food with his son.
  • Location

    Online via Zoom
    (with Blended Learning)

    First and Last Sessions are in-person for local students at

    360 Dunearn Rd
    Singapore 299552

  • Dates: 2024


    Mar: 14, 28
    Apr: 11, 25
    May: 16

    Closing Date for Registration:
    Mar 11, 2024

  • Time


Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to the Thinkific Mobile App

    • Orientation Course & Library Access

    • Course Syllabus

  • 2

    Session 1: Introduction: Spirit of Holiness

  • 3

    Session 2: Spirit of Creation

  • 4

    Session 3: Spirit of Prophecy

  • 5

    Session 4: Spirit of Communion

  • 6

    Session 5: Class Presentation

    • Class Presentation

  • 7

    Course Evaluation

    • Course Evaluation Form

  • 8

    Assignment Submission

    • Course Assignment Policies

    • General formatting for assignments

    • 45%. EM – Final Essay (2,000 words)

    • 40% IP-Intergrative Reflection Paper