Course Description

In evangelism, we sometimes say, “Jesus is the Answer!” Unfortunately, we are often unfamiliar with the questions that Christians and Non- Christians are struggling with. While some still wonder about the reliability of the Bible, the resurrection of Christ or whether there is a god, many more are questioning the cultural credibility of Christianity – whether Christians are judgemental, hypocritical, anti-intellectual, homophobic or colonial. In most cases, these new questions take place over conversations – at home, over meals, in church and at the workplace. Many Christians find ourselves unprepared to help our friends navigate their doubts about Christianity.

Cultural Apologetics Through Conversations seeks to provide not only theological-spiritual perspectives and analytical frameworks for apologetic conversations, but also introduce skills for discerning, conversing, and listening to our friends. While the classical apologetic questions will be addressed, we shall focus mostly on the cultural concerns that our society and friends are grappling with. These include Christians behaving badly in society, anti-science, and intellectual behaviour, engaging the LGBTQ+ community, and other cultural concerns. The aim is to help them navigate their doubts and struggles, while living out the love of Christ, so that they can encounter Christ who is ultimately, the one who can transform their lives!

  • Location

    Online via Zoom
    (with Blended Learning)

  • Dates

    Feb 6, 27
    Mar 13
    Apr 3, 17, 24
    May 8

    Closing Date for Registration:
    Feb 01, 2023

  • Time



Dr Lai Pak Wah

Principal and Lecturer in Church History and Historical Theology

Dr Lai Pak Wah is BGST’s Principal and Lecturer of Church History and Historical Theology. He also serves as an elder at Mt Carmel Bible Presbyterian Church where he worships and oversees the church’s Hybrid Church Initiative. His interest is the very heart of BGST’s mission: which is to help Christians make sense of their faith at work, church and society. Previously, Pak Wah engaged in investment promotion work with the Singapore Economic Development Board (SEDB) and was a full-time lecturer at the School of Business, Singapore Polytechnic. He is the author of The Dao of Healing: Christian Perspective of Chinese Medicine, and a certified Belbin coach. Pak-Wah holds a PhD from Durham University, UK. He enjoys engaging in Chinese culture and playing the cello.

Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Topic 1: Theological Perspectives (Live)

    • Topic 1: Theological Perspectives

    • Lecture. 1: Theological Perspectives

  • 3

    Topic 2: Cultural Apologetics

    • Cultural Apologetics (SPL) Exercises

  • 4

    Topic 3: Engaging in Cultural Apologetics (Live)

    • Topic 2: Engaging in Cultural Apologetics

    • Topic 3 Lecture Video

  • 5

    Topic 4: Classic Apologetics 1 (SPL)

    • Classic Apologetics: Exercises

    • Understanding the current Social Demographics: Intergenerational Report

    • Preparation for Session 4 (Live): Coaching Conversations

  • 6

    Topic 5: Cross Cultural Apologetic Conversations

    • Cross Cultural Apologetics Conversations

    • Philosophical Apologetics-Review

  • 7

    Topic 6: Science and Faith

    • Science and Faith

    • 1) Biblical Perspectives

    • 2) Tradition: History of Science

    • 2.2) Tradition: History of Science Lecture Slides

    • Contemporary Views of Science and Faith Part 1-Philosophy of science and theology

    • Contemporary Views of Science and Faith Part 1

    • Contemporary Views of Science and Faith: How did the World originate? (Public Lectures)

    • Christianity & Science - Part 1 (drawn from CH102, History of Christianity 2)

    • Christianity & Science Part 2 (drawn from History of Christianity 2, CH102)

    • Christianity & Science Part 3 (drawn from History of Christianity 2, CH102)

    • Final Remarks: To prepare for class discussion

    • Session: Science & Faith + Survey Topics

  • 8

    Topic 7: Chinese Cultural Apologetics

    • Lecture: Taiji Quan Case Study

  • 9

    Topic 8: Historical Apologetics

    • Topic 8: Introduction

    • Topic 8.1a-Formation of the Christian Canon (PDF Only)

    • Topic 8.1a - Historical Perspectives on Jesus

    • Topic 8.1a-The Resurrection of Christ

    • Topic 8.1b-Supplementary Lectures

    • Topic 8.1a Historical Perspectives of Jesus and His Resurrection - PDF Slides

    • History and LGBTQ

  • 10

    Topic 9: Engaging the LGBTQ+ Community

    • Pre-Class Review Lecture: Preston Sprinkle

    • Pre-Class Readings: Biblical Perspectives and Christian Traditions on Homosexuality

  • 11

    Course Evaluation

    • Course Evaluation

  • 12

    Assignment Submission

    • Course Project 1

    • Course Project 2

    • Integrative Paper

    • Reflection Paper

  • 13

    Presentations-Sessions 11 & 12

    • Apr 24 Presentations

    • May 8 Presentations