
This class has reached it's maximum capacity of participants.

Those who are in the waiting list would kindly contact Dr. Lai Pak Wah.
email: [email protected]
contact number: 64691224


Dr Lai Pak Wah

Principal and Lecturer in Church History and Historical Theology

Dr Lai Pak Wah is BGST’s Principal and Lecturer of Church History and Historical Theology. He also serves as an elder at Mt Carmel Bible Presbyterian Church where he worships and oversees the church’s Hybrid Church Initiative. His interest is the very heart of BGST’s mission: which is to help Christians make sense of their faith at work, church and society. Previously, Pak Wah engaged in investment promotion work with the Singapore Economic Development Board (SEDB) and was a full-time lecturer at the School of Business, Singapore Polytechnic. He is the author of The Dao of Healing: Christian Perspective of Chinese Medicine, and a certified Belbin coach. Pak-Wah holds a PhD from Durham University, UK. He enjoys engaging in Chinese culture and playing the cello.

Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong

Associate Lecturer

Dr Lim is one of the leading New Testament scholars in Malaysia and has led Bible Land Tours for more than a decade. He is a Research Fellow at Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM) and also an Anglican priest with St Paul's Church Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Apart from theological education, Kar Yong also contributes to the wider Christian community by serving as a member of the Board of Trustees of World Vision Malaysia and a member of the Executive Committee of the Bible Society of Malaysia. He is an author of four books and numerous academic essays, including Following Jesus: An Illustrated Guide to the Places in the Holy Land according to Mark.
  • Dates

    Pre-departure Seminars

    Travel Dates
    Mar: 7-19, 2024

  • Pre-departure Seminars Time