Course Description

New Testament Foundtions 2 (NT102) is the sequel to NT101 and both are foundational to the study of the New Testament at BGST. NT102 covers the Epistles and Revelation.

This course is a general survey of the message of the NT books, their relationships to each other, introductory issues (author, date, occasion, content, etc), and factors in the first century, e.g., history and religions, that influenced the life and ministry of the early church.

  • Location

    Online via Zoom

  • Dates

    Feb 14, 28
    Mar 14, 28
    Apr 11, 25

    Closing Date for Registration: Feb 09, 2023

  • Time



Rev Dr Oh Boon Leong

Associate Lecturer

Rev Dr Oh Boon Leong completed his PhD in New Testament at King’s College, University of London in 2001. His special area of study is the Writing and Theology of the Apostle Paul, especially the study of Galatians. Earlier he had received his MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and his MTh from the University of Aberdeen. He is married and serves as Senior Pastor at the Mount Carmel Bible-Presbyterian Church.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Course Syllabus

    • Course Synopsis

    • Educational Resources

  • 2

    Session 1

    • J T Fitzgerald

    • Student Notes Lecture 1

    • Student Notes Lecture 2

    • Lecture 1 recording

    • Lecture 2 recording

  • 3

    Session 2

    • Student Notes Lecture 3

    • Student Notes Lecture 4

    • Lecture 3 recording

    • Lecture 4 recording

  • 4

    Session 3

    • Student Notes Lecture 5

    • Student Notes Lecture 6

    • Lecture 5 recording

    • Lecture 6 recording

  • 5

    Session 4

    • Student Notes Lecture 7

    • Student Notes Lecture 8

    • Lecture 7 recording

    • Lecture 8 recording

  • 6

    Session 5

    • Student Notes Lecture 9

    • Student Notes Lecture 10

    • Lecture 9 recording

    • Lecture 10 recording

  • 7

    Course Evaluation

    • Course Evaluation

  • 8

    Assignment Submission

    • General formatting for all assignments

    • Theological/ Exegetical Study 1

    • Theological/ Exegetical Study 2

    • Report on Galatians

    • Report on Hebrew

    • Report on Revelation

    • Written Essay or Creative Project