Course Description

Since Pentecost, the Spirit of God has been at work in the Church, teaching Christians His Word, leading them in paths less travelled and enabling them to grow and mature in Christ. While partaking in the one and the same Spirit of Christ, Christians have often experienced the teachings and guidance of God in diverse ways. This course will familiarise students with the sociocultural, philosophical, theological, and spiritual context and teachings of every spiritual classic that the class will read. As a continuation of CS211, we will work through the classic spiritual writings exploring various themes of Christian spirituality from the magisterial Reformers onwards. The objective of this course, then, is to survey the history of Christian spirituality across the second millennium of the church, looking in particular at the diverse writings and experience of Christian men and women of that era. Drawing on their spiritual insights, we trust that this ancient wisdom may still be used by God to guide us in our everyday spirituality.
  • Location

    Online via Zoom

    First and Last Sessions are in-person for local students at:
    50 Kallang Pudding Rd
    #07-01, AMA Building
    Singapore 349326

  • Dates

    Jul: 19
    Aug: 2, 23
    Sep: 6, *21 (Sat, 9:30am-12:30pm)
    Closing Date for Registration:
    July 16, 2024

  • Time



Dr Tan Seng Kong

Lecturer in Systematic and Spiritual Theology

Dr Tan Seng Kong is BGST's Head for Technology and Resources, and a Lecturer in Systematic and Spiritual Theology. A graduate from Regent College, Vancouver (MA, Spiritual Theology). Seng Kong completed his PhD in Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he focused his research on Jonathan Edwards' Doctrine of Salvation. Seng Kong was formerly an architect. He currently serves at Bethel Assembly of God. When he isn’t preoccupied with theological materials, he dabbles with indoor gardening, watches Korean media with his wife and eats Indian food with his son.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • CS212 Course Syllabus

    • General Formatting for all Assignments

    • Orientation Course & Library Access

  • 2

    Session 1

    • Reformation Spirituality

    • Lecture on the Magisterial Reformers

    • Lecture Slides - Magisterial Reformers

    • Calvin On the Christian Life

    • Luther Freedom of a Christian

    • Luther A Practical Way to Pray

  • 3

    Session 2

    • Catholic Reformation Spirituality

    • Lecture on Carmelite Spirituality

    • Lecture Slides - Carmelites

    • John of the Cross Dark Night

    • Teresa Interior Castle

    • Carmelite Rule of Albert

  • 4

    Session 3 (online)

    • English/Puritan Spirituality

    • Hilton Treatise Written to a Devout Man

    • William Law Serious Call

    • Baxter Saints' Everlasting Rest

  • 5

    Session 4

    • Evangelical Spirituality

    • Lecture on Jonathan Edwards

    • Lecture Slides - Spirituality of Jonathan Edwards

    • Religious Affections (CCEL ed.)

    • Paul Ramsey, ed., Religious Affections (Yale Critical ed.) - online links

    • Edwards Religious Affections [abridged edition]

    • Wesley Christian Perfection

  • 6

    Session 5 (online)

    • Orthodox/Catholic Spirituality B

    • Philokalia Watchfulness Holiness

    • Julian Revelations

  • 7

    Session 6

    • Evangelical/Modern Protestant Spirituality

    • Lecture on Soren Kierkegaard

    • Lecture Slides - Spirituality of Kierkegaard

    • Reading - Provocations: Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard

    • Kierkegaard Works of Love excerpt

    • Marino ed. Quotable Kierkegaard

    • C S Lewis Last Battle

    • CS Lewis Weight of Glory

  • 8

    Session 7

    • Modern Catholic Spirituality

    • Class Presentations - Zoom Recording

    • Mother Teresa-Excerpts

    • Thomas Merton excerpts

    • Pope Francis Gaudete et Exsultate

    • Raboteau Thomas Merton

    • Course Evaluation Form

  • 9


    • Integration Reflection Paper

    • Report on a Spirituality Classic