Course Description

Christian Spirituality 2: Practices for Discernment and Discipleship. Both Scriptures and Christian tradition have emphasized the close relationship between theological reflections and personal spirituality. As the fourth century monastic theologian, Evagrius Ponticus, puts it, “theology is prayer and prayer is theology.” That is, proper theological reflection should give rise to a greater love for God which, in turn, informs our knowledge of God.

More than that, this transformative knowledge of God should also deepen our self-knowledge – the double knowledge underscored by Augustine and John Calvin.

Unfortunately, the transition from theological learning to self-knowledge and personal is not always straight forward. Some students don’t do so and end up having a ‘head full of knowledge but nothing much in the heart.’ For this reason, CS102 is introduced as a Spiritual Formation Practicum (SFP) to help each student renew and deepen her love for God, improve her own selfknowledge (her strengths and weaknesses), and also help discern her role in Christ's mission for the world.

To avoid student pre-occupation with academic performance, and to help them focus on deepening their relationship with God, this course will not be graded. Only a Pass will be awarded upon completion of the SFP.


Dr Tan Seng Kong

Lecturer in Systematic and Spiritual Theology

Dr Tan Seng Kong is BGST's Head for Technology and Resources, and a Lecturer in Systematic and Spiritual Theology. A graduate from Regent College, Vancouver (MA, Spiritual Theology). Seng Kong completed his PhD in Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he focused his research on Jonathan Edwards' Doctrine of Salvation. Seng Kong was formerly an architect. He currently serves at Bethel Assembly of God. When he isn’t preoccupied with theological materials, he dabbles with indoor gardening, watches Korean media with his wife and eats Indian food with his son.

Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Topic 1

    • Introduction to the SE and Setting Expectations & Guidelines

    • God's Unconditional Love for You - God Loves You

  • 3

    Topic 2

    • God's Ongoing Creation - God Really Loves You

  • 4

    Topic 3

    • The Intimacy of Prayer - God Really, Really Loves you

  • 5

    Topic 4

    • God’s Invitation to Greater Freedom - Principle & Foundation

  • 6

    Topic 5

    • The Principle & Foundation (for Spiritual Freedom) - Created

  • 7

    Topic 6

    • God’s Call to Me - Praise

  • 8

    Topic 7

    • The Reality of Sin/ My Own History of Sin and Grace - Reverence

  • 9

    Topic 8

    • The Reality of Sin/ My Own History of Sin and Grace - Service

  • 10

    Topic 9

    • Causes & Consequences of Sin - Indifference

    • God’s Merciful Love to me - Indifference

  • 11


    • Reflection Paper (10 hours, 1,500 words)